AIR 2022 Conference – Airport Innovation Roundtable for Central Europe
September 16th, 2022, Warsaw Regent Hotel
About the event
Conference AIR 2022 “Airport Innovation Roundtable for Central Europe” is an event organized jointly by V4+ Airport Association and “Polish Airports” State Enterprises. The idea behind it is to create a platform where aviation industry professionals can meet and discuss topics related to all essential aspects of the industry. The round table, which has become a permanent part of our history is for us a symbol of freedom restoration and democracy, both in Poland and Europe, as well as openness for new ideas and solutions. Our idea is to connect representatives of various countries and various communities related to the aviation industry in order to search for synergies and innovations in our sector of the economy. During the first meeting, we want to meet representatives of the industry and regional airport associations from all over Europe and discuss our role and importance in the development of the aviation sector, including the role and impact on the activities of ACI Europe. Nevertheless, innovation will remain the most important element of our conference. We will talk about innovations, both in areas classically associated with new technologies, such as the airport’s IT industry, or in areas which traditionally follow established trends, such as the HR industry or sustainable development. We will also show innovations in more unexpected areas, such as the sale of non-aviation services, education, and tourism.Preliminary agenda
9:00 – 9:30 | Registration | |
9:30 – 10:15 | Opening ceremony | |
10:30 – 11:30 | Innovative Airport – top trends in aviation industry | |
11:30 – 11:45 | Refreshment Brake | |
11:45 – 12:30 | Future of Cargo |
1. CANADA – New technologies improving airfield operations 2. STH programm presentation |
12:30 – 13:30 | Big Data and AI in Airports – how to harness new technologies | Focus on Tourism – Collaboration between Airports & Tourism industry |
13:30 – 14:30 | Lunch | |
14:30 – 15:30 | Green Airports – improving airport environmental footprint | Restarting Ukrainian Airports |
15:30 – 16:30 | Innovation in Retail Sector – focus on non-aviation revenues | General Aviation in aviation industry development |
Conference panels
We’ve invited top management from the world of aviation to discuss the coming changes and directions on which the future developments of airports will focus.
INNOVATIVE AIRPORT – Top trends in aviation industry | 10:30 – 11:30 | HALL ‘A’
We will search for the most interesting and surprising trends in aviation industry that will define future of airports.
- 10 challenges, improvements, implementations that will change industry
- Good practices,
- Innovative solutions,
- Most significant changes.
- Ralph Beisel, General Manager, German Airports Association (ADV);
- Chris Dinsdale, CEO, Budapest Airport;
- Marcin Horała, Plenipotentiary of the Polish Government for the Solidarity Transport Hub, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy;
- Oliver Jankovec, Director General, ACI Europe;
- Rafał Milczarski, CEO and President of the Management Board, PLL LOT;
- Stefan Świątkowski, Vice President, Polish Airports State Enterprise.
MODERATOR: Marcel Riwalsky, CEO and Executive Editor at Aviation-Event, an aviation media platform with 15 million audience. Experienced Founder with a demonstrated history of working in the public relations and communications industry.
FUTURE OF CARGO | 11:45 – 12:30 | HALL ‘A’
- How cargo operations can be advanced by close cooperation of airlines, airport facilities and ground handling companies;
- Dedicated cargo flights or belly cargo – which one will become the future of air transport?
- Airport operators or dedicated cargo companies – who should perform the operations at airport cargo facilities?
- Do drones have future in mass transport of goods?
- Innovative technologies as a tool of improvement at cargo operations airfields.
- Jarosław Jakubczak, Cargo Manager Poland, Emirates SkyCargo;
- Mariusz Kuczek, Cargo Business Development Manager, Katowice Airport – The Upper
Silesian Aviation Group (GTL SA); - Marcin Osowski, Vice President of the Board, Welcome Airport Services;
- Sergiu Sarasan, Manager Industry Relationships, International Air Transport
Association (IATA); - Paweł Zagrajek, Senior Cargo Specialist – Ground Handling Cargo, Solidarity Transport Hub.
MODERATOR: Krzysztof Zalewski, he has extensive experience in the maritime and logistics industry. Since 2021 he holds the position of HR Director and Marketing Manager at Welcome Airport Services.
CANADA – New technologies improving airfield operations | 11:45 – 12:30 | HALL ‘B’
- Canada will be represented by two companies, JCAII and Team Eagle.
- Presentation of JCAAII will focus around Deicing Management Technology:
- Taking advantage of the Latest Pad Management Hardware ( Message Boards, Guidance Systems, Inset Ground Lighting)
- Linking the Deicing Stakeholders via the Latest patented Software brings deicing coordinators, Deicing truck operators and the Flight Crew all on the same page – real time.
- Team Eagle presentation will concentrate on new technologies leading to advancement of airfield operations including snow and ice control technologies.
- Stephanie Berlet, Canadian embassy;
- Brian Freed, COO, Team Eagle;
- Mike Hume, Vice President, Business Development, JCAII;
- Kelvin Williamson, VP Flight Ops, JCAII;
- Arkadiusz Wysocki, Canadian embassy.
Panel supervisor: Piotr Kwaśniewski, Senior Key Account Specialist in Polish Airports State Enterprise.
"Solidarity Transport Hub" Programm Presentation | 11:45 – 12:30 | HALL ‘B’
STH is the first greenfield investment of this size in recent times in Europe. Therefore, it creates a unique opportunity to include recent technological, social, health and logistical concerns right into he core of its design. A hub shaped by innovation.
- Jan Gołąb, Airport Stakeholders Deputy Director, Solidarity Transport Hub.
Panel supervisor: Piotr Kwaśniewski, Senior Key Account Specialist in Polish Airports State Enterprise.
BIG DATA & AI in AIRPORTS – How to harness new technologies | 12:30 – 13:30 | HALL ‘A’
A panel devoted to innovations introduced at airports.
- AI adoption in airports – passenger analytics, computer vision, intelligent baggage solutions;
- The important role of Big Data in airport transformation;
- Use of public clouds in critical infrastructure management of airports.
- Thomas Dworschak, Head of IT Control & Development, Vienna Airport;
- Krzysztof Malesa, Board Member, National Security Officer, Microsoft Poland;
- David Preuss, COO Assai;
- Dariusz Skonieczny, Business Development Director, Comtegra S.A.;
- Benoit Verbaere, SITA Director of Business Development;
- Grzegorz Zajączkowski, Data Management Chief Specialist, Polish Airports State Enterprise.
MODERATOR: Jarek Niewiński, supports the digital airports concepts and vertiports integration with the Network at EUROCONTROL.
FOCUS ON TOURISM – collaboration between Airports & Tourism Industry | 12:30 – 13:30 | HALL ‘B’
Importance of cooperation between Aviation and Tourism sectors;
Collaboration with government, airlines and tourism agencies – way of implementation;
Positive impacts on local tourism markets;
Components of aviation-tourism network long-term strength: investments, incentives, infrastructure and trade business development, culture integration.
Adam Banczerowski, Head of Business Development in NOWA ITAKA Sp. z o.o.;
Gheorghe Marian Cristescu, CEO of Polski Holding Hotelowy;
Frank Quante, CEO of Fraport Bulgaria, Chairman, Bulgaria Blask Sea Alliance;
Tomislav Zepina, CEO, Zadar Airport.
MODERATOR: Hanna Peresypkina, Senior Key Account Specialist in Polish Airports State Enterprise with extensive experience in Commercial Operations of Business and General Aviation.
GREEN AIRPORTS – Improving airport environmental footprint | 14:30 – 15:30 | HALL ‘A’
The ongoing climate crisis is a signal to the civil aviation sector for change into an environmentally-friendly model of activity. Sustainable Aviation is a long term strategy which sets out the collective approach of aviation to tackling the challenge of ensuring a cleaner, quieter, smarter future for the industry.
The “Green airports” panel will be focused on the improvement of airport’s environmental footprint. Specialists from Poland and Europe will exchange their experience. We will discuss Airport Carbon Accreditation in order to make it real and more efficient. Furthermore, new ideas will be presented on how to implement ACA certification and sustainability in airports.
- Airport Carbon Accreditation – discussion about managing it, how to make it better and more efficient, less PR more real and economical reasonable changes;
- New ideas – how to implement them and not to fall into trap of chasing innovation but without practical results.
- Jakub Adamski, Senior Manager, EY Poland;
- Anca Apahidean, Area Manager Eastern Europe, International Air Transport Association (IATA);
- Jakub Kluziński, President & CEO, Welcome Airport Services;
- Jerzy Kwieciński, Vice President of the Management Board, Bank Pekao S.A.;
- Pablo Mendes de Leon, Professor, President of European Air Law Association.
MODERATOR: Anna Konert, Legal Counsel; Habilitated doctor of legal sciences; associate professor of the Lazarski University, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lazarski University.
- Current situation in Ukraine and of its critical infrastructure;
- Consequences of Russian aggression on aviation infrastructure and projections of recovery;
- Destroyed objects of Antonov State Enterprise – the world largest airplane;
- Presentation of pre-war international airports performances comparatively to current loses.
- Viktor Avdieiev, Deputy General Director for Operational and Administrative activities, Antonov State Enterprise;
- Mykola Bielov, Head of the airfield complex design department in UKRDOPROEKT LLC;
- Viktor LYCHYK, Associate Professor of the “Airport Technologies” in National Aviation University of Ukraine, Chairman of the Aviation ground equipment; Committee of AAUCA.
MODERATOR: Petro Lypovenko, President, AAUCA
INNOVATION IN RETAIL SECTOR – Focus on non-aviation revenues | 15:30 – 16:30 | HALL ‘A’
- Non-aviation retail market revenue as a supplementary segment of the airports;
- Innovations that bring airport non-aviation retails performance to the next level;
- Implementation of e-commerce platforms for the airport retailers;
- Digitalization in retail market and quick pay-off solutions.
- Wojciech Czernek, CEO, Baltona;
- Karl Niendorf, Managing Director, Smartseller Gmbh & Co. KG;
- Christos Orthodoxou, Managing Director, SSP Hungary;
- Svetlana Simeonova, Head of Commercial Fraport Bulgaria, Varna Airport;
- Maciej Zawadzki, Managing Director, APCOA.
MODERATOR: Patrick Bohl, Advisor, CEETRA.
General Aviation in aviation industry development 15:30 – 16:30 | HALL ‘B’
How will the General Aviation market look like in 10 years period? Panel discussions focused on how to develop more affordable general aviation, the latest innovations, as well as on how to share the airspace of the future and how new business models can be encouraged to improve safety. We will also talk about drones, is the rapid development of drone technology a competition to general aviation?
- David Prochazka, Operations manager, Pardubice Airport;
- Jakub Kluziński, President & CEO, Welcome Airport Services;
- Grzegorz Woźniak, Ground Handling Manager, Szymany Airport.
MODERATOR: Joanna Wieczorek is an air law expert collaborating with Dentons Law Firm, a strategic advisor to Drone Alliance Europe. She also holds the position of head of public relations of Aeroclub of Poland and has a general aviation background.
Especially for our guests
Walk around Warsaw
The Warsaw Tourist Organization has prepared a walk around Warsaw for the conference participants. Our guides will suggest viewing tourist attractions, without which you cannot leave Warsaw. For example, the Old Town, which was entered on the UNESCO list, as well as – the Royal Castle, the Royal Route and the Royal Łazienki, which were the summer residence of King Stanisław August. Warsaw is also the city of Fryderyk Chopin, whose footsteps we will follow. We encourage you to walk the day before the conference.
The Welcome Reception
The Welcome Reception will take place at the Hotel Regent in Warsaw. It will provide an informal setting for meeting up with friends & colleagues old and new.
Gala Dinner
Our guests (members of the association and guests with VIP status) will have the opportunity to visit an airport, which is still under construction, but which soon will take permanent place on the European map, “Warsaw-Radom Airport”. On top of the above, conference organizers prepared an evening surprise for the conference participants
Recommended hotel
We recommend staying at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw. At the Regent Warsaw, we are proud to welcome you with warm Polish hospitality and exceptional service. Luxury hotel in Warsaw offers 246 spacious, comfortable rooms and a range of amenities, including our Venti-tre restaurant serving Polish and Italian cuisine. We have a special discount for our guests.
What is the purpose of the event?
Our idea is to connect representatives of various countries and various communities related to the aviation industry in order to search for synergies and innovations in our sector of the economy. We would like discuss our role and importance in the development of the aviation sector, including the role and impact on the activities of ACI Europe. Never the less, innovation will remain the most important element of our conference. We will talk about innovations, both in areas classically associated with new technologies, such as the airport’s IT industry, or in areas which traditionally follow established trends, such as the HR industry or sustainable development. We will also show innovations in more unexpected areas, such as the sale of non-aviation services, education, and tourism.
When will the event take place?
15 -16.09.2022
We are starting from the optional evening meeting on 15th of September at 20.00.
Next day we are planning discussions and key presentations. More details below:
16:00 – 19:00 Sightseeing tour of Warsaw organized by Warsaw Tourist Organization
20:00 Welcome reception – Regent Warsaw Hotel
09:30 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 11:00 Welcoming remarks
11:00 – 16:30 Roundtable discussion panels
At the end of the event ‘Polish Airports’ State Enterprise will host an official Gala Dinner for members of V4+ Association, our partners and invited special guests.
16:30 – 18:00 Refreshment break
18:00 – 19:30 Transfer to Warsaw-Radom Airport
19:30 – 20:00 Sightseeing of Warsaw-Radom Airport
20:00 – 23:00 Gala Dinner at Warsaw-Radom Airport Terminal
Where the event will take place?
The AIR 2022 – Airport Innovation Roundtable for Central Europe conference will be held in Warsaw at the Regent Hotel, 23 Belwederska Street.
The Gala Dinner will be held at the Warsaw-Radom Airport Terminal.
What is the cost of attending a meeting?
To participate in the event, please register by filling out the form bellow. Participation in the event is free of charge for diplomats, representatives of airport and airlines management.
Conference fee (Regent hotel): 100,-EUR
After registering, we will send you an invoice with our bank account details.
How to register to participate in the event?
All you need to do is confirm your presence by going to the link:
and completing a short questionnaire or write to the following address:
What attractions have we prepared for you?
Walk around Warsaw
The Warsaw Tourist Organization has prepared a walk around Warsaw for the conference participants. Our guides will suggest viewing tourist attractions, without which you cannot leave Warsaw. For example, the Old Town, which was entered on the UNESCO list, as well as – the Royal Castle, the Royal Route and the Royal Łazienki, which were the summer residence of King Stanisław August. Warsaw is also the city of Fryderyk Chopin, whose footsteps we will follow. We encourage you to walk the day before the conference.
The Welcome Reception
The Welcome Reception will take place at the Hotel Regent in Warsaw. It will provide an informal setting for meeting up with friends & colleagues old and new.
Gala Dinner
The international conference of the V4+ Airports Association will culminate with a Gala Dinner organized in cooperation with the State Enterprise ‘Polish Airports’ for members of V4+ Association, our partners and invited special guests.
How can I book accommodation?
We recommend staying at the Regent Hotel in Warsaw. At the Regent Warsaw, we are proud to welcome you with warm Polish hospitality and exceptional service. Luxury hotel in Warsaw offers 246 spacious, comfortable rooms and a range of amenities, including our Venti-tre restaurant serving Polish and Italian cuisine. We have a special discount for our guests.
A special discount offer has been prepared for event participants at the Regent Warsaw Hotel.
Below is the link to book accommodation:
If you wish to book through the Regent Hotel website, you must enter the code PL08 to receive the discount.