It is our pleasure to inform you that on11 and 12 of January V4+ Airports Association held operational workshop “Airports in the Network Manager’s perspective – EUROCONTROL support for airports”. The event was organized in cooperation with EUROCONTROLs’ Airport Team and “Polish Airports” State Enterprises.
The main aim of the workshop was to familiarize airport personnel with tools and services that support local operations. During the two day event participants were able to have a chance to understand how different solutions (from network-wide to tailored local solutions) may support predictability and performance, which are crucial elements for punctual passenger journey.
The topics discussed during the workshop included:
1. Airports as an integral part of the European network
a. Introduction: Why are airports the focus of our attention and why is every airport important?
b. Presentation of tools and services which are available for Airports from EUROCONTROL:
- Blok 1: network management: Airport corner, Airport Function + Briefing.
- Blok 2: flow management: MIRROR, iDemand.
- Blok 3: performance management: ECRA, pax demand, Lite ‘APOC’, CCPM
2. How to cooperate with EUROCONTROL: SESAR & EATIN airport projects.
Also, participants were able to get familiarized with the workings and the offer of “Aviation Learning Centre for Airports” conducted by EURCONTROL.
Through live interaction with EURCONONTROL experts attendants were able to better grasp both sides of network and local challenges on other stakeholders and how to establish better cooperation to profit more from tools and services that are available for EUROCONTROL Member States.
The participation in the event was free of charge and the workshop took place onsite at Warsaw Chopin Airports’ Conference Centre.
The event attracted wide range of participants, both from local Polish regional airports and from abroad.