The spectrum of tourism, its grow and popularization is one of the areas on which V4+ Airports Association will concentrate its activities in the near future.
We already undertook first steps towards reaching that goal. So far on our local, Polish market but if proven successful, with your assistance, we will extend it to cover countries where V4+ airports are located.
Recently Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe „Porty Lotnicze” Polish Airports have initiated cooperation with entities that also operate in the tourism sector: LOT Polish Airlines, Nekera Tour operator and Szczecin Airport together with the local authorities of the West Pomeranian Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego region where the airport is located.
Our aim is to create and offer a tourist package thanks to which the client will be able to purchase hotel accommodate, air fare, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back and some additional, yet to be defined services in one transaction.
So far two V4+ airports are partaking in this pilot project, Lotnisko Chopina (Chopin Airport) and Szczecin Goleniow Airport. We are sure that in a not so far future we will be able to inform you about others joining the initiative.