On behalf of the V4 + Airports Association, we cordially invite your institution to be a part of the annual Airport Innovation Roundtable (AIR 2022) which is scheduled to be held from 15th to 16th of September, 2022 at the REGENT WARSAW HOTEL, Poland.
Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe „Porty Lotnicze” and V4+ Airports Association are jointly organizing AIR2022 Conference to help all segments of the industry to fruitfully collaborate, share and exchange the information, knowledge, and experiences for better improvement. It is space where aviation professionals will meet and discuss essential aspects, ongoing challenges and development strategies of the aviation ecosystem.
Airports and airports associations from 15 countries and 35 airports, as well as multiple key players of the aviation sector – global airlines, retail sector and Ministries of Infrastructure, Finance, Tourism and other governmental institutions are gathering to discuss the most up-to-dated topics of aviation sector.
The event will not only incorporate extensive discussions, but will also consist of guest speaker sessions and scintillating social events, that will help industry leaders to develop networks and eventually transform their ideas into actions:
Innovative Airport – top trends in aviation industry;
Green Airports – improving airport environmental footprint;
Big data and AI in airports – the important role of Big Data and AI in airport transformation;
Future of Cargo – strategies, solutions & expansion of cargo hubs;
Innovation in Retail Sector – focus on non-aviation revenue in airports;
Restoring Ukrainian Airports – depiction of aviation infrastructure current condition, ongoing projects and recovery strategies;
Focus on Tourism – importance of cooperation between airports and tourism sector, municipal facilities & government authorities.
We look forward to an enjoyable and productive conference, and we hope you do too.
The host team of V4+ Airports is trying their best to make this experience unparalleled and enriching for you.
Thank you in advance for your support, and we hope a delegation from your institution will join us for AIR 2022 on September 15-16th of 2022!
See you soon,
Stanisław Wojtera